Prior to last weeks class, I have never heard about The Beloit List. This list is the top 75 topics about honestly anything and everything that professors from Beloit College think we should know. The list is co-authored by Ron Nief, and Tom McBride, both professors at Beloit College in Wisconsin. Personally I take much offense to this list, because the topics listed are all very belittling. I was skimming through all the lists and most of them start off about like semi educational topics but then lead into really miscellaneous information. For example: one point is "4. Al Gore has always been animated(1)". Then there will another point made like "10. Entering college this fall in a country where a quarter of young people under 18 have at least one immigrant parent, they aren't afraid of immigration...unless it involves "real" aliens from another planet(2)" These are just 2/75 random examples from Beloit College. I personally think this list was created to bridge the gap between professors and students, however this list is not valid to me or any of my classmates. In other words A for effort, but this idea is completely irrelevant to the incoming students. The list is almost mocking the extent of inteligence of their students. It also comes off as if all of the students are the same. This list does not leave much room for student learning, since the professors have generalized the students already. If I was an incoming freshman and I saw this list before applying to this school, this list would defiantly change my decision. The way these professor's come across, i don't even want to think about how the rest of the school is towards their students. If this was done a with a little more structure and maturity, this could be very beneficial to the students and professors. Instead the list is currently just making a mockery of Beloit College.
(1)&(2)Beloit's List for the class of 2014
The comment about Al Gore made me laugh!