Thursday, November 29, 2012

ED414 Observation #3

1. Identification of the Learning Objective: P.O (Performance Objective)  #35 Students will practice problems involving unit rate

2.     Description of Student Body: There were a total of twenty-one students in the ICT classroom. Of those children, there were ten male, and eleven females. There was a teacher who followed the students to each class. This teacher also informed us that about seven students had an IEP. There were all 21 present today.

3.     Description of classroom environment: (Mostly the same as last time) The teacher had updated some of her students work, and so the room was full of new works the kids were proud of. This teacher has decorations, posters, student work, covering the room (front, sides, back, windows, and bottom). There is room for more student work to be displayed. The walls have inspirational quotes and motivational words. The room is organized with worksheet centers; text books in the back lockers, pencils on the side. I also remember seeing a chart that had a connecting symbol with Math & Language Arts. She put up a general guideline grading schema for the class. Still no rules posted and for whatever reason there is no where in her class that it says her name. Not on her door? or her desk or even on the students work. I had to ask a student her name. 

4.     Description of Instructional Strategies: (Similar) This teacher usually teaches direct instruction in her class. She has the kids go up to the SMARTboard and show their work and answer the problems. She uses formative assessment by asking the class if they all got that answer and if they agree  disagree on the solution. Every Friday she has them buddy up and switch papers to peer edit, using indirect instruction. Last week she said buddy up with the person next to you. But, she forgot to pair up the kids with their buddies who were absent. They paired up on their own. The same child is always by himself, students do not want to work with him and make mean comments to him. I realized it is almost like since the teachers brush him off so do the students. This week she had assigned pairs to work with and so everyone was paired together. One student was confused on the wording of question #1 on the worksheet, the teacher then clarified to the class by drawing out a visual (manipulative) and another way of wording the question. 

5.     Assessment Strategies: (Same as observation 1) The teacher uses formative instruction by having the children complete a Do Now assignment and see if they have comprehended their homework. She then calls on a few students to come up to the smart board and write and share their answers. She also uses summative assessment by having the students’ grade each other and then put into their portfolio.Last week  I thought that maybe student teacher meeting are coming up and so the teacher is preparing for it, I found out this week that Friday is portfolio day.  I also realized this teacher does not walk around the classroom, she waits for a student to raise their hand and then walks over. She does check the students work who are done first and if they have a answer wrong she says "maybe you went a little wrong here, look again". On question #2 of the worksheet a student calls he over and says the answer is not in any of the multiple choice answers. The teacher then had the class cross out the multiple choices (a-d) and had them write in their answer.  I was a little shocked and impressed that this worksheet contained both standards and the rubric for the students to know what the teach is expecting. 

6. Classroom Management: (Same)This teacher seems to have control over the class. The students all respect her, a lot more than the other classes I have seen them with.  She keeps her class on task, she is always reassuring the kids and guiding them. There is always a child who is isolated in the back of the class, and out of the entire day there, she was the only teacher besides the traveling teacher who gave him a chance to do well. This child raised his hand to show his work on the board, he has the correct work and answer and the teacher gave him a compliment. You could tell by the smile on his face that he received the confidence boost, he desperately needed.
      Side note: Today in period 2, the student who is always isolated almost got into a fight and was removed from class to talk to the teacher on the side. The teacher showed he cared and finally the child flipped out and shouted "I hate this!, they all think I'm retarded" 
       This moment reflected goos behavior for his the rest of the school day, and gave him courage to participate more.

7.     Use Technology: (Same) This teacher had a smart board in the front of the room. She uses it to teach her lesson, as well as have the students share their answers with each other. She used the smart board for her do now, objectives, notes, student work, and word problems for kids to solve. She is using the technology effectively. This class she did a lesson where the kids used fractions to bake a birthday cake, and had to figuring our how to accommodate the recipe to amount of guests.

8.  Closure: This class the teacher did not have a closure. Thinking back, I don't think any of the classes had a closure. This is an important part of the lesson, this is where the teacher and the students either do a re-cap, answer question left on the subject matter or simply reflect. I believe if this teacher did use a closure, her class might grasp the concepts of math she is teaching them better. 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Assistive Technologies Being Appropriately Used To Increase Student Performances

Assistive technology is a wide range of devices and services for students with moderate to severe disabilitiesžAssistive technology offers students with disabilities access to the general education curriculum and tools for adults throughout their lifespan (Chmiliar 2007).
   Assistive technologies can be appropriately used to increase student performance for many reasons. Assistive technologies are used to increase the learning experience of students; whether the technology is used to accommodate a student’s disability or to engage a student more during a lesson.

There are many types of assistive technologies to use:

Students who are hearing impaired could use some technology such as hearing aids,television captioning,FM system, computer technology, sign language etc. 


Students who are visually impaired can use technology such as: 

Braille embossers & Refreshable Braille displays 

Alternative Keyboards

Online Audio Books 

My favorite assistive technology is the     
The DynaVox is a company that has created various types of electric communication boards.  Depending on the tablet that you chose, your communication board could speak in different voices and languages (English, Spanish, German, and French).  It could have Windows 7, a camera that can serve as an eye tracker, different input options, Bluetooth, and can connect with other devices. The dynavox is a type of assistive technology that is used for children who have a motor disability. However, this piece of technology can be used with any general education classroom or ICT classroom. This is a way to have the shy children speak up, the visual learners work close up, the kinesthetic learners have a hands on tool and the audio learners voice their opinions. 

Including Technology Into My Teaching Philosophy

When we first created our teaching philosophy, including technology was not even a thought in my mind. After being introduced to many types of technology in our CS322-ILC I believe that technology could enhance both the students focus and comprehension of a topic. Some types of technology that we all knew prior to the class are computers, smart boards, tape recorders. However, much to our surprise there are so many ways technology could be used in our classroom. Some technologies that I believe that I could implement into my classroom are smartboards, blogs, podcasts, wikis and online grade book. Along with that we learned about Prezi, which is a more detailed way of creating a presentation, instead of using power point.

Some possvle ways to use them are: 

Smart boards: many teachers use smartboards as just a projection screen. Some either forget or are just uneducated on how to use the technology. This technology can be used to have students interactively come up on the board and physically touch and place items. This is good for kinesthetic learners.

Blogs: This is good piece of technology to have kids show their comprehension for a topic. This is also good for long term use, to track a students progression of the school year. The blog could also be a way for all the students to communicate with the teacher and vice versa. 

Podcast: This piece of technology could be used as a study tool for students. This way instead of the students reading or writing their notes, they have a recording they could listen to.

Online grade book: This is good for the teacher, students and the parents. This is a great way to have the teacher organize grades and have the children and the parents be involved and updated in the grading policy and upcoming assignments. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

ED414 Observation #2

1.     Identification of the Learning Objective: The teacher had “SWABT complete the real life situation of fractions and apply it to their own lives.

2.     Description of Student Body: There were a total of twenty-one students in the ICT classroom. Of those children, there were ten male, and eleven females. There was a teacher who followed the students to each class. This teacher also informed us that about seven students had an IEP. There were only 18 present today.

3.     Description of classroom environment: (Mostly the same as last time) This week she had updated her student work, and so the room was full of new works the kids were proud of. This teacher has decorations, posters, student work, covering the room (front, sides, back, windows, and bottom). There is room for more student work to be displayed. The walls have inspirational quotes and motivational words. The room is organized with worksheet centers; text books in the back lockers, pencils on the side. I also remember seeing a chart that had a connecting symbol with Math & Language Arts.

4.     Description of Instructional Strategies: (Similar) This teacher usually teaches direct instruction in her class. She occasionally has them buddy up and switch papers to peer edit, using indirect instruction. However, this week she said buddy up with the person next to you. But, she forgot to pair up the kids with their buddies who were absent. They paired up on their own. The same child is always by himself, students do not want to work with him and make mean comments to him. I realized it is almost like since the teachers brush him off so do the students.

5.     Assessment Strategies: (Same as observation 1) The teacher uses formative instruction by having the children complete a Do Now assignment and see if they have comprehended their homework. She then calls on a few students to come up to the smart board and write and share their answers. She also uses summative assessment by having the students’ grade each other and then put into their portfolio. I think that maybe student teacher meeting are coming up and so the teacher is preparing for it now.

6.     Classroom Management: (Same)This teacher seems to have control over the class. The students all respect her, a lot more than the other classes I have seen them with.  She keeps her class on task, she is always reassuring the kids and guiding them. There is always a child who is isolated in the back of the class, and out of the entire day there, she was the only teacher besides the traveling teacher who gave him a chance to do well.

7.     Use Technology: This teacher had a smart board in the front of the room. She uses it to teach her lesson, as well as have the students share their answers with each other. She used the smart board for her do now, objectives, notes, student work, and word problems for kids to solve. She is using the technology effectively. This class she did a lesson where the kids used fractions to bake a birthday cake, and had to figuring our how to accommodate the recipe to amount of guests.

8.     Description of materials used during observation: The teachers had the students use materials such as: the smart board, pencil, paper, colored pens) and a calculator. Smart board was to go over math problems, the paper and pencil was to take notes, the colored pen was to grade a classmate’s work (constructively) to grade each other, and the calculator was to check their work. She also had little cut outs of ingredients as manipulative.

9.     Personal Reaction: Week 2: Transition Between Activities:  There is no real transition that is obvious. The teacher does go over each question on the worksheet for the class, and then breaks down the answer before she moves on, but that is all. I have noticed that in every class, there is a student who is always in the back, at a distance from the rest of the class. Some teachers just ignore his existence but some keep him involved.  The boy is still alienated from the class. I feel as if the teachers do not want to be bothered by him. The two teachers from the previous week, who graduated from Wagner College, asked about homecoming and how classes are going, old teachers ad etc.  It was nice that they reached out a little bit, it made me feel like we were on the same level and was nice to connect with a teacher you are observing.  

ED414 Observation #1

1.     Identification of the Learning Objective: The teacher had “SWABT complete an assignment for their math portfolios

2.     Description of Student Body: There were a total of twenty-one students in the ICT classroom. Of those children, there were ten male, and eleven females. There was a teacher who followed the students to each class. This teacher also informed us that about seven students had an IEP.

3.     Description of classroom environment: The room is my favorite out of all the classes! This teacher has decorations, posters, student work, covering the room (front, sides, back, windows, and bottom). There is room for more student work to be displayed. The walls have inspirational quotes and motivational words. The room is organized with worksheet centers; text books in the back lockers, pencils on the side. I also remember seeing a chart that had a connecting symbol with Math & Language Arts.

4.     Description of Instructional Strategies: This teacher usually teaches direct instruction in her class. She occasionally has them buddy up and switch papers to peer edit, using indirect instruction. However, she doesn’t assign the partners; she lets them form them on their own. One child is always by himself, students do not want to work with him and make mean comments to him. Young teenagers will choose their friends, and so to be fair, the teacher should assign partners at random.

5.     Assessment Strategies: The teacher uses formative instruction by having the children complete a Do Now assignment and see if they have comprehended their homework. She then calls on a few students to come up to the smart board and write and share their answers. She also uses summative assessment by having the students grade each other and then put into their portfolio.

6.     Classroom Management: This teacher seems to have control over the class. The students all respect her, a lot more than the other classes I have seen them with.  She keeps her class on task, she is always reassuring the kids and guiding them. There is always a child who is isolated in the back of the class, and out of the entire day there, she was the only teacher besides the traveling teacher who gave him a chance to do well.

7.     Use Technology: This teacher had a smart board in the front of the room. She uses it to teach her lesson, as well as have the students share their answers with each other. She used the smart board for her do now, objectives, notes, student work, and word problems for kids to solve. She is using the technology effectively, but she could be going the extra mile. For example: she could have a mix and match fraction activity, like in my lesson plan. She could have a giant piece of pizza, and as the students touch a piece, it gets eaten. She could use the board for ore interactive activities to keep the students interested.

8.     Description of materials used during observation: The teachers had the students use materials such as: the smart board, pencil, paper, colored pens) and a calculator. Smart board was to go over math problems, the paper and pencil was to take notes, the colored pen was to grade a classmate’s work (constructively) to grade each other, and the calculator was o check their work.

9.     Personal Reaction:  After following this group a children all day I have seen some interesting things. I have already picked up on who are the class clowns and who are the children always on task. I have seen how each child’s attitude and work focus depends on the class they walk into. Some teachers favor students and about 2 out of those 8 are fair. I have noticed that in every class, there is a student who is always in the back, at a distance from the rest of the class. Some teachers just ignore his existence but some keep him involved.  

I loved this classrooms set up. The room was so colorful and inviting. The teacher created a friendly and happy environment for the kids to come to. Out of all the teachers, she received the most respect and good feedback from the students.

During the day, I also encountered 2 teachers who graduated from Wagner College! It was really good to see that not too long ago they were in my shoes but they survived and were successful in finding a job. 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Technology In Adolescent Education

   Prior to taking Database Programing and Connectivity, I was completely opposed to using technology in the younger grades. I believed it was a waste of time for both the students and the teachers. I remember using computers for assignments and not being on task. I can also recall many times when my teachers were not technologically savvy, and wasted time. However, I have had a new outlook on technology from this computer course.


   The main problem with technology are that the teachers these days are not aware or comfortable enough to use it. They feel that if they were to use it in their classroom this could hinder student learning. I am observing a 2nd grade class and I saw the smart board in the front of the room, but it was never being used. I asked the teacher why doesn't she use it? She replied with "I have no freakin' idea how to work that thing!". She continued saying they have never had a technology training course, and she thinks they all need one. If these teachers were trained in technology, their classroom environment and student cooperation would benefit more than before. 

   After learning about how to implement technology in CS322 and then including it in lesson plans for ED414 I have learned a few positive ways to use it in the classroom. We have learned how to use blogs in the classroom, wiki's for expanding information, many types of videos, and podcasts. I truly believe that by being   introduced into this new world of technology that we can change the bad views and crete a new outlook on technology in the classrooms. 

   In conclusion I whole heartedly believe that with the appropriate use of technology  students can benefit from the use of technology in classrooms. As students in middle school, they are learning how to become themselves. I believe by introducing them to technology early on in life, they will benefit from it later dow the road. Technology is a to be an addition to the learning experience, it is never to be a replacement. With the right training and room to explore technology, using technology could open numerous doors for both the teachers and the students. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Implementing Technology Into the Common Core Standards

        The purpose of the common core learning standards are to  "provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy. provide a consistent, clear understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy ("Common core state," 2012)". This is the process done to prepare children for the real world, then why not include use of technology in the standards. 
       Technology has changed over the years, and with those changes it has also evolved. When we were in grammar school, the computer was a big deal. These days children had iPods and iPads as their future technology. If technology is so evident in the real world, students should learn how to use it affectively early on. For example instead of kids having an assignment to write an essay, have them type it. Another example is help teach them how to use technology in an educational way. Maybe use the iPods and iPads to do research and create a slide show of the information they learned. The possibilities are endless!                 
       Recently we discussed in our ED414-ILC class that the common core is working on having a nation wide common core. This would mean at the same time during the year every grade level will be on the same level.  If a child moves from Tennessee to New York, they will be on the same track as where they were in their old school. On an odd note they have not one but two companies working on this. The two companies are Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium. These two are cooperating to create a world wide curriculum. The states have a choice as to which company they will use. Some of the states have not agreed to try this method out, and some states are willing to try out both.
 It's almost shocking to know that schools are aware of how significant technology is, yet they barely use it in any lessons.  If schools begin to use  technology to for class activities in  grade levels maybe all students would be more advances at using technology in the future. If technology is implemented into the common core standards in anyway, teachers would pushed more to incorporate technology into their classrooms. Therefore, making our students  more successful in their futures. 



Monday, October 8, 2012

Why should students be able to analyze video from a constructivist perspective?

Students should be able to analyze videos from a constructivist perspective, in order to appreciate videos and how they are created. This is also a good way to increase their experience on specific subjects. Usually a teacher just shows a movie, or clips of a movie but the child does not get a feel of the process, they only get to see the product. If they were to experience a video from a constructivist’s point of view the students would understand the planning and time behind creating a video. 

Having the students use constructivism allows the students to think, imagine and create personal movies for a subject. Maybe, there is  a subject that isn’t the most appealing to the class. As the teacher you could use the jigsaw method, by breaking up the class into groups and have them create small videos to inform their class on their assigned topic. 


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Math is everywhere!

I was working today and I never really thought how much math is involved in my job. It's a little ironic because I am a math major, and I have been working there for 3 years and I just realized this now. I wanted to show math from a cashier's perspective.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

How using differentiated instruction can benefits us

    Many teachers think about their content they want to teach in their classroom and how they want to teach it. What makes a good teacher is how they teach the lesson to meet the learning styles of every child's needs. When you think of differentiated learning you think of how am I gonna reach out to everyone of my students learning styles. However, we rarely think of how it can benefit us.
   I think that having an assessment in the begin of a school year will benefit the class as a whole. That way right off the bat, you know how you have to differentiate your lesson for the class.  Their are a few different types of learning styles to test for, two examples are Gardner's multiple intelligences or the very basic auditory, visual, or kinesthetic. There are websites to do it on your own time as well. 
Learning Style Exam

Once someone knows how they learn, it opens doors for them to excel better. As a student, I know that if I see something I will learn and understand it better as opposed to hearing someone explain how they did it. For a child this can be a huge game changer! By us using differentiated instruction, we as the teacher are learning how to access every students strengths of learning. This helps us realize that we need to change up lesson accommodate for each students needs. This helps us realize that all children do not all learn the same, this tells us that we need to work to think out all possibilities that would benefit a child during their learning processes. Our job it to help each child grow as a learner and keep each child to be on the same track. With differentiated instruction in the classroom this will help promote each child to reach their goals to move up to the next grade. A classroom is where learning never ends, we teach them but the students also teach us!