Prior to taking Database Programing and Connectivity, I was completely opposed to using technology in the younger grades. I believed it was a waste of time for both the students and the teachers. I remember using computers for assignments and not being on task. I can also recall many times when my teachers were not technologically savvy, and wasted time. However, I have had a new outlook on technology from this computer course.
The main problem with technology are that the teachers these days are not aware or comfortable enough to use it. They feel that if they were to use it in their classroom this could hinder student learning. I am observing a 2nd grade class and I saw the smart board in the front of the room, but it was never being used. I asked the teacher why doesn't she use it? She replied with "I have no freakin' idea how to work that thing!". She continued saying they have never had a technology training course, and she thinks they all need one. If these teachers were trained in technology, their classroom environment and student cooperation would benefit more than before.
After learning about how to implement technology in CS322 and then including it in lesson plans for ED414 I have learned a few positive ways to use it in the classroom. We have learned how to use blogs in the classroom, wiki's for expanding information, many types of videos, and podcasts. I truly believe that by being introduced into this new world of technology that we can change the bad views and crete a new outlook on technology in the classrooms.
In conclusion I whole heartedly believe that with the appropriate use of technology students can benefit from the use of technology in classrooms. As students in middle school, they are learning how to become themselves. I believe by introducing them to technology early on in life, they will benefit from it later dow the road. Technology is a to be an addition to the learning experience, it is never to be a replacement. With the right training and room to explore technology, using technology could open numerous doors for both the teachers and the students.